5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Boston Wrestling in Partnership with Winthrop Parks and Recreation - Boston Wrestling Legion - Winthrop Youth Wrestling ******** Cannot Register here click on website above Winthrop Youth WrestlingBoston Wrestling Legion in partnership with Winthrop Parks and RecreationREGISTRATION IS NOT ON THE PARKS AND RECREATION SITE.YOU MUST CLICK ON THE WEBSITE BELOW TO REGISTER DIRECTLY WITH BOSTON WRESTLING LEGIONWebsite: https://www.wrestlinglegion.org/Dates: Monday and Tuesday March 24 - June 3 (11 weeks, 22 sessions)Time: 5-7 PM Mondays and TuesdaysLocation: Winthrop Parks and Recreation gymnasium 151 Pauline st., WinthropAges: 6-12 (grades K-6)Program Description: Wrestling is a sport with a rich history, and we are excited to offer it to the young people of Winthrop. This beginner-friendly program will focus on building fundamental skills and techniques. Athletes will learn the rules of wrestling and how to safely participate. Wrestling is an excellent sport for young athletes, as it helps them develop greater strength, balance, endurance, flexibility, and coordination while having fun in a positive, competitive environment. Athletes may feel more prepared if they have already participated in contact sports (tackle football, martial arts, etc.), but they do NOT need to have any prior background in wrestling or other contact sports. Beginners are encouraged to join!Practices: Practices will be held at the Winthrop Parks and Recreation gymnasium at 151 Pauline Street from 5-7 PM. A typical practice will begin with mat roll-out and set-up (all wrestlers should plan to help prepare the space before every practice), followed by a warm-up. Coaches will then provide instruction on fundamental movements and support athletes in executing them. There will be portions of time dedicated to teaching and reviewing wrestling techniques, wrestling-specific drills, live wrestling matches, and games. There is also an intentional effort to teach team-building and life skills during practice, including developing perseverance in the face of challenge, supporting fellow teammates at practice, and maintaining focus while training. Practice ends with all athletes supporting mat roll-up and clean-up. Equipment Needed: The only special equipment that families need to purchase are wrestling shoes. These are available by several online retailers. We have discounted shoes available for families with a financial need – no family will be turned away due to an inability to afford equipment. Regular sneakers may not be worn on a wrestling mat. Other wrestling accessories (headgear, singlet, kneepads, etc.) may be worn at practice, but they are optional and not required. Athletes should wear regular athletic clothing (t-shirt, shorts, sweatpants, etc.) and should avoid wearing anything overly loose or baggy. Registration Fee: $195 Sign-up: Signup is available on the Boston Wrestling Legion website: wrestlinglegion.org/winthropBackground on Partner: Boston Wrestling Legion is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that supports the growth of wrestling programs in the local area. We have previously run successful programs in East Boston and Chelsea, and have partnered with local middle schools to run their school wrestling programs. We hope that this beginner-friendly program in Winthrop is an early first step in the growth of wrestling in the community, and can grow with its athletes as they further develop their skills.REGISTRATION IS NOT ON THE PARKS AND RECREATION SITE.YOU MUST CLICK ON THE WEBSITE above TO REGISTER DIRECTLY WITH BOSTON WRESTLING LEGION